Struggling to find the time to study at home?
The day had begun so nicely. As you rolled out of bed and donned your favorite hoodie, you held high hopes for the day. “Today will be the day I finally have the breakthrough I need to finish calculus,” you proclaim. You smile to yourself as you pour coffee into your oversized mug.
Three hours later, you’re staring out the window and realize you haven’t accomplished anything. Well, that’s not entirely true. You’ve refilled your coffee twice, answered the phone, checked Facebook three times, and finally replaced that light bulb in your closet. Sighing sadly, you flip open your textbook for the millionth time. As you find the correct chapter, you hear your Labrador barking frantically at the back door.
While it isn’t easy, it is entirely possible to study from home without going crazy.
1. Establish a routine
Have a set time to wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed and begin studying. If you don’t set a routine for yourself, you may find your breakfast break stretch into… lunch. A routine provides a structure to get things done, keep the little things (like sleeping and showering) from falling through the cracks, and frees you to plan for times to not study as well.
2. Get dressed
It’s tempting to wear pajamas all day, or neglect brushing your hair for 15 days in a row if you don’t plan to leave the house. However, you’ll feel much better about life and your studies when you make it a point to get dressed, brush your hair, and look presentable every day.
3. Change your location
Discover a good coffee shop (and learn to like the house brew), grab a blanket and take your books outdoors, or scope out your local library to provide a change of scenery when hitting the books. Even moving to a new location in your home can work wonders.
4. Switch your schedule
If you have a set routine, but find yourself in a rut, switch your schedule around a bit. Often, a bit of variety is all it takes to restore enthusiasm. If you generally stay up later and get up a bit later, try an early to bed/early to rise routine for a bit. Perhaps slipping in a few hours of study before anyone else in your house is up will transform your study process.
Or, if you’re a night owl, try taking a longer break in the morning or mid afternoon and getting a few hours of work accomplished at night when the rest of your family is asleep. If you’re trying to get 4 hours of studying in each day, try working in a 4 hour block with only short breaks, or four 1 hour sprints at various points during the day. There are no hard and fast study rules - mix it up and see what works best for you.
5. Shut down your computer every night
Shutting down your computer will give you a sense of “closure” to your day. Set a “quitting time” for your day, and get away from the screen. Take some time to play a board game with your family, read a good book, or take a walk. By shutting down your computer, you’ll ensure your work is saved, your computer will run faster, and you won’t feel like you are in eternal study mode. Since you may not necessarily change locations when your study day ends, it’s important to have a sense of closure and “ending” to your studies each day.
6. Keep your study space clean
This one is more important than you’d think. First, a clean space helps you think clearly and focus, but that’s not all. When your study space is clean, you can find the supplies you need, when you need them. Nothing derails a study session like spending 15 minutes looking for that pencil you know you saw somewhere yesterday…
7. Get a Beta fish
Random, I know, but having a low maintenance “study buddy” can be a fun way to perk up your study space. If fish aren’t your thing, find some way to make your study area fun and interesting. Try a lava lamp, silly putty, a Rubik’s Cube, a coloring book and crayons, or a stress ball to help you stay focused or challenge your brain while at your desk.
8. Invest in a good headset
No matter how excellent your focus, if you study at home it can be virtually impossible to tune out the noise around you. Dogs, younger siblings, and ringing phones are all very distracting and difficult to avoid. A good noise canceling headset will be a huge help in this regard! You will be able to preserve your sanity and love for those around you.
9. Have a good chair
If you’re not comfortable while you’re working, it will be tough to stay focused on the Battle of Waterloo, or that tough statistics problem. Invest in a chair that is comfortable and promotes good posture. You’ll be able to focus more and be healthier along the way!
10. Don’t work from your bed
Your bed is comfy, the pillow WILL beckon to you, and if you’re sleep deprived, the temptation just may be too much to bear. But that’s just one of your concerns. Sitting on your bed will promote poor posture - which will decrease your focus and cause long term health problems. Finally, crawling into bed at night will not provide the same sense of restful relief if you’ve been using your bed as a study station all day.
11. Resist the snack attack
The beauty of studying at home is… you have a kitchen and fridge at your disposal. The downside of studying at home is… you have a kitchen and fridge at your disposal. Resist the urge to snack all the time, even if food is plenteous (and your mom’s peanut butter chocolate chip cookies are legendary). Go easy on the snacks, and you’ll feel healthier and avoid the dreaded “freshman 15.” Be sure to stock some healthy snacks - carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, nuts, and hummus for some options that will keep you from reaching for the Oreos.
12. Have friends
Maintain your relationships while you are working on your degree. This will require creativity and and effort, but good friendships are worth the investment. Allot time for 15 minute calls to catch up, and schedule the occasional coffee date. By carving out time from your schedule now, you are solidifying lifelong friendships.
13. Be considerate
Of course, you’ll have to block out time to study, and you won’t be able to participate in all family activities. You’ll probably need to kick a sibling out of your room from time to time for some peace and quiet. Your family is making sacrifices to allow you to be successful - so show them the same consideration you would to receive.
If you have been studying for a few hours, and your sister needs the room to make a personal phone call, give yourself a study break and let her use the room for a bit. Help with household chores when possible, and do little things to make each family member feel special. They’re making sacrifices to help you succeed, so don’t forget to thank them from time to time!
Studying for your degree doesn’t have to equate hours of mind numbing solitude! Give a few of these solutions a try and then see what ideas you can add to the list.
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